Carnevale di Palma Campania

I Gaudenti

Year of foundation 1987

The group participated in its first carnival in 1988.

The anecdote could be in our name. The pleasure-seekers have thought exclusively of having fun over the years.

We always thought we would do carnival just for fun. Then a few years we also managed to win the stakes.

The theme chosen for this year is “G come gaudenti”.

We decided to do this theme, more than we decided this theme was born on its own because we have modified our theme for many years.

We made this "G" which was first among the ice, then it was in Spain, in Venice, in short, we always changed this "G" every year. To such an extent that this “G” came to life and wanted to be at the center of the quadrille this year. We thought we'd take up this game we played as children "name things and cities" and play together with this letter "G" which represents pleasure-seekers.

We will represent all the things in the world that begin with the letter g. I would dare say almost a metaphysical theme different from the themes of other years.

We know the Quadrille

The History

Way back in 1987, a group of young people passionate about the Palmese Carnival event decided to create a new group dedicated to organizing the quadrille.

After long discussions, the only point on which everyone immediately agreed was the name of the group or “I Gaudenti” even if in the first edition due to an error the historic group took the name of “Juke box”.

The first official participation of “I Gaudenti” in the Palmese Carnival dates back to 1988, with the theme “Ci… Tiriamo in ballo”, a parody of the different ways of interpreting the dance. The quadrille was led by Maestro Giovanni Grasso Junior, known as “Vascuotto”.

Chronology of Themes and Masters:
1988: Tema: “Ci… Tiriamo in ballo” – Maestro: Giovanni Grasso Junior (“Vascuotto”).
1989: Tema: “Halloween – La notte delle streghe” – Maestro: Francesco Sorrentino (”‘o Segatore”).
1990: Tema: They didn't participate.
1991: Tema: Demonstrations suspended due to war events.
1992: Tema: “Bambole e Balocchi” – Maestro: Giovanni Grasso Senior.
1993: Tema: “Cartoonlandia” – Maestro: Igino Sessa, nei panni di Roger Rabbit.
1994: Tema: “Happy Days – 60 e dintorni” – Maestro: Andrea Vuolo come Elvis Presley.
1995: Tema: “Il Giro del Mondo in Tre Giorni” – Maestro: Agostino Gemito come Phileas Fogg.
1996: Tema: “Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie” – Maestro: Luca Cassese come il Cappellaio Matto.
1997: Tema: “Frutta e Verdura” – Maestro: Gennaro Caliendo (“A.Q.O.”).
1998: Tema: “Eroi e Miti dell’Antica Grecia” – Maestra: Luisa Nunziata come Giunone.
1999: Tema: “Inventori e Invenzioni del XX Secolo” – Maestro: Marco Saviano come Albert Einstein.
2000: Tema: “Gran pasticceria Gaudenti” – Maestro: Giovanni Scarciello come Mastro Pasticciere.
2001: Tema: “Vade Retro Halloween” – Maestro: Giovanni Bosone come Principe delle Tenebre.
2002: Tema: “La Corte Medicea” – Maestro: Emilio D’Arco (”‘o Mericano”).
2003: They did not participate.
2004: Tema: “The Mexico” – Maestro: Aniello Graziano (“Nellino”).
2005: Carnival events are canceled due to the devastating and disastrous earthquake in South-East Asia (TSU-NAMI)
2006: la quadriglia did not participate
2007: Tema: “Il Mercante in Fiera” – Maestro: Luigi Donnarumma.
2008: Tema: “America Coast to Coast, ma quant ce cost” – Maestro: Ciro Nunziata come Zio Sam.
2009: Tema: “Eden” – Maestro: Marino Carbone.
2010: Tema: “Lo sgorbio di Notre Dame de Paris” – Maestro: Carmine Luca Giannetti.
2011: Tema: “Giochiamo da una vita… Quest’anno con Iolita” – Maestra: Iolita Tuccillo.
2012: Tema: “Eurotour” – Maestro: Biagio Gaglione.
2013: Tema: “God Save the Queen” – Maestra: Luisa Nunziata.
2014: Tema: “Par(i)ata Disney” – Maestra: Biagina Simonetti.
2015: Tema: “Napul’è” – Maestro: Salvatore Catapano come Pulcinella.
2016: The quadrille does not participate in the edition
2017: Tema: “Ma che freddo fa” – Maestro: Tommaso Catapano come Signore del Freddo.
2018: Tema: “30 Vueltas Gaudenti” – Maestro: Antonio Petronio come Matador.
2019: Tema: “I Gaudenti au Moulin Rouge” – Maestra: Maria Assunta Iervolino.
2020: Tema: “Aizz Aizz Aizz… Accost Accost Accost a Custiera Nost!” – Maestra: Mariangela Parisi come la Divina Costiera.
2021\2022 events suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic
2023: Tema: “Funky Town. Next Stop : New York” –  Maestro: Michele Albano
2024: Tema: “Casanova Pop” –  Maestro: Antonio Petronio

Furthermore, during these years, the cultural association has dedicated itself to the creation of various recreational events in the name of fun and healthy sportsmanship, including the Padel tournament or the burraco tournament, open to all citizens of all ages.

The foundation of "I Gaudenti" in its 35 years of history has contributed to making the Palma Campania Carnival a memorable event. All this was made possible thanks to the creativity of the themes chosen for the event and the talent of the teachers who led the quadrille with passion and enthusiasm.

Its history continues to be a symbol of innovation and love for local traditions.