Carnevale di Palma Campania


Year of foundation 2015

The Scugnizzi cultural association was born in 2015 and is made up of a group of many kids who love our carnival.

And thanks to this shared passion we have created a large family that aims to carry on the tradition of our country, having fun first and then transmitting emotions and joy to those who observe us from outside.

The chosen theme represents a journey into the past: the history of ancient Egypt with its civilization and culture.

It was chosen precisely for its history which still today continues to reveal its precious antiquity, giving us what the Egyptian people were.

We know the Quadrille

The History

The history of the quadrille “Scugnizzi” it began in 2015 when a group of young people with a lot of enthusiasm and a hint of healthy recklessness decided to found their own committee.

The peculiarity of all this is that apart from a few elements all the rest of the members did not exceed 30 years of age, this to give the idea of ​​something that would most likely be unthinkable to achieve nowadays.

The first edition of the Palma Campania Carnival in which he participated was the 2016 event with the theme “Marvel Story”, Maestro Vincenzo Iervolino.

In addition to the Carnival, the Scugnizzi Cultural Association has always stood out since its first year for its fruitful social commitment with the organization of various events that have characterized its history, most recently the first edition of the “Enjoy Palma Run – Memorial Nunzio Simonetti” where more than 600 athletes flocked to Palma Campania to participate.

Chronology of Themes and Masters:
2016: “Marvel Story” – Maestro: Vincenzo Iervolino (Copertone)
2017: “Scugnizzi a Las Vegas” – Maestro: Luigi Carrella
2018: “Scugnizzi all’inferno: Tiratv a port voi ch’entrate” – Maestro: Agostino Lauri
2019: “La leggenda della Dea e del pianeta Rosso” – Maestra: Luisa Carbone
2020: “Che scugnizzi questi ladri” – Maestro: Carmine Velotti (Pritusino)
2021\2022 events suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic
2023: “Harry Potter” – Maestro: Pasquale Dello Iacono (Schiappone)
2024: “Napoli tra miti e leggende” – Maestra: Biagia Simonetti (alla sua quarta esperienza da Maestra diventando la donna con più direzioni di quadriglia della storia)
The presidents of the quadrille over the years have been Mario Siano (2015-2019), Agostino Lauri (2019-2023), Giancarlo Nunziata (2023-ongoing)