Carnevale di Palma Campania

Main Sponsor

Carnevale di Palma Campania

Traditions, emotions and culture

The Palma Campania Carnival takes on central importance for the city community, which perpetuates its tradition with a sense of pride and great participation.
The first certain attestations linked to the tradition of the Palma Campania Carnival date back to the second half of the 19th century, although the event could have even older origins with different celebrations compared to its current form. A precious collection of memories, writings and testimonies that took place over the years and numerous editions meant that the local cultural heritage linked to this centuries-old tradition was passed down from generation to generation, making the event an integral part of the territory.

“The first historical document of the Carnival of Palma Campania dates back to 1858: it is a letter, preserved in the episcopal archives of the Diocese of Nola, in which a citizen of Palma complains to the Bishop about groups of people parading in disguise through the streets of Palma Campania, partying during the period of Lent”
Today, the Palma Campania Carnival is an explosion of colours, folklore, costumes, scenography, music, food: an event that expresses the pride of a community which, on the one hand, recognizes itself in the event and passes down its rites and traditions, and, on the other hand, works together for an entire year for its success: from artisans to tailors, from policy makers to the entire community.

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